We are now accepting applications for the 2025/26 Academic Year

Click here to download a prospectus.

Download prospectus

Before you begin the application please note that you are required to provide a passport style photo, your qualifications and references.

If you want to apply for one of our programmes, here are the next steps to take:

  • Decide which Hub is your closest. If you are not sure, please click
  • here for the options.
  • You will then need to complete the Cuddesdon online application form. This is split into several sections, but most sections are very short. You also don’t need to complete the form in one go, you can save your progress at the end of each section and complete the form over several days if you wish.
  • If you are applying for the MA you will need to upload a sample of your writing during your application. The sample could be, for instance, a part of a paper written for your previous theological training and should be on anything ranging from Biblical Studies, Theology, Church History, Ethics, or Practical Theology.
  • Once Cuddesdon has received your completed application and taken references, your application will be reviewed by our Admissions Tutor. We will contact you to confirm the offer of a place or to request more information. This can take a few weeks.
  • Once you have received an offer from us, you can accept and secure your place by forwarding a £400.00 non-refundable deposit which will be deducted from the invoice for your programme fees.

Please note that space may be limited on some programmes in some Hubs therefore please complete your application as soon as possible to ensure that places are still available.

If you have any questions about applying for a particular programme, please contact us by clicking here.